The first half hour of this movie skips around the timeline
with such a dizzying pace, it seems to have been edited using
a random number generator. This “non-linear timeline”
technique, used notably in such films as Memento,
Once Upon A Time In America, and Mulholland
Drive (in which Watts had the starring role), forces the
audience to pay close attention to things that don’t make
a bit of sense until you see what happened before them—an
hour later. Some moviegoers will dislike this style; it happens
to be one of my favorite conventions, but it does make it difficult
to establish a bond with characters who are seen early on dealing
with extremely tense situations, the details of which are yet
to be known. As we eventually learn, Paul Rivers (Penn) is a heart
patient waiting for a transplant while his estranged wife (Charlotte
Gainsbourg) tries to convince him to have a baby with her before
he dies. Jack Jordan (Del Toro) is an ex-con and recovering alcoholic
who has found Jesus and is trying to walk the right path for his
wife (Melissa Leo) and children. And Cristina Peck (Watts) is
a wife and mother with a drug problem whose life was just getting
back on track when her husband Michael (Danny Huston) and two
daughters were killed by a hit-and-run driver.
At this point I must warn readers that it is impossible to
further summarize without revealing details which are not apparent
at the beginning of the film. If you are afraid that this might
spoil the movie for you, I recommend that you simply skip the
next paragraph until you’ve seen it.
Although the hospital authorities deny Paul’s request
to know whose heart he has been given, he hires a private investigator
who discovers not only that it was Michael, but also the tragic
details of his passing. Unable to reconcile his guilt at profiting
from someone else’s downfall, he seeks Cristina out and establishes
a bond with her just when she was about to despair and dive back
into her old ways. He also investigates the identity of Jack Jordan,
the man who killed Cristina’s family, who is suffering his
own sense of guilt about the incident, not to mention rage that
God would let this happen. Eventually all three parties occupy
the screen at once and we come to understand not only the full
depth and breadth of their relationships, but the separate ways
in which each of them handles the situation.
I suppose one way of ensuring a first-class production is to
assemble an absolutely top-notch cast, and director Iñárritu
has certainly done that. Penn, Watts, and Del Toro have each proven
themselves over and over again, and their work here is as good
as anything they’ve done before. Penn’s role, unlike
his Oscar-winning part in Mystic
River, is more of a character one can get behind; Paul
is not perfect, but he’s a man who cares about people and
tries to do right by those who have helped him. Watts is fantastic
as Cristine—she is constantly on the ragged edge of sanity
after losing the three people most important to her, the people
who had been her salvation from her former life. And Del Toro
is no less stirring in his portrayal of a man struggling with
control issues, who tries against his every impulse to do the
right thing, and is still betrayed by the God in whom he has put
his faith.
21 Grams is about how life doesn’t always work out like it does in the movies. It’s about how bad things sometimes happen to good people, without any explanation or reason. And although it’s not a particularly uplifting film, it is intelligent, well-written, and told with a unique style, and it features some of the best acting presently available. ****½