In a way similar to last year's amusing Detroit
Rock City, which focused on a group of KISS fans making
their way to a concert to see their favorite band, Rumble
addresses pro wrestling from the viewpoint of a pair of rabid
devotees, outhouse cleaners Gordie Boggs (David Arquette) and
Sean Dawkins (Scott Caan). At the start, they score tickets to
see their favorite character, Jimmy King (Platt), the ruler of
the ring, go up against Diamond Dallas Page (Page Falkinburg).
Platt's portrayal of King is basically Elvis in trunks. But Gordie
and Sean are out of luck, because Titus Sinclair (Joe Pantoliano),
the all-powerful promoter, has decided that tonight is the night
the king will be dethroned. After a brutal (not to mention unfair)
beating by several colleagues, his majesty is finished. But Gordie
and Sean, who believe everything they see in the ring, are convinced
that Jimmy can come back, and they track him to his beer-soaked
trailer to tell him so. After a pep talk and some gratuitous violence,
the illiterate monarch is convinced. The three friends make their
way back to the ring to avenge the king's loss.
This film relies wholly on potty humor (literally) and Three Stooges-style violence to get laughs. There's certainly nothing even reminiscent of intelligent humor in the dialogue. Whenever the characters are not in the ring, hitting each other over the heads with folding chairs, then they're swimming in raw sewage, ogling girls' boobs (Rose McGowan), and kicking each other in the crotch. In fact, there's so much crotch kicking that many outtakes of it are presented during the closing credits, as if more is better. There are notable appearances by some real-life pro wrestlers (primarily Bill Goldberg), and Landau portrays an ex-pro who acts as trainer and guru for the reticent King's comeback. His wild-eyed portrayal is mildly amusing on occasion, but I am baffled as to why he would sink to such depths. *